Our products / Inforad Car V1/V2

INFORAD CAR : What is it ?

INFORAD  signals the presence of fixed radar and risk zones.

An indispensable partner for every driver, this small unit placed on your dashboard will help you avoid speeding, conserve points on your driving permit and increase your safety.

INFORAD  is reliable and effective.

Thanks to the GPS* system, INFORAD  constantly knows your vehicle’s position and its processor compares this position with risk zones in its database. As soon as you enter a dangerous zone, controlled by radar or not, INFORAD  tells you immediately using simple and understandable warning lights and sound signals.

INFORAD ’s other features .

  • Easy to position in all vehicles including transport lorries (12/24 volts)
  • Add personal risk zones to the database
  •  Automatically update the database through a simple Internet connection

* GPS (Global Positioning System): network of satellites emitting a signal that enables a GPS receiver to define with high precision a vehicle’s position, speed and altitude.

Design by Infografika
Products photos: D.Venzal
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